Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 3, Web Technology

This week in class we learned about the resource, wikipedia. This is a resource that we will be using a lot in class and recommended to use. It is a great website used for creating pages and finding information. We also learned about to embedd videos on the blogger account. It is a very easy and simple process that I thought would be a lot more complicated then it was. Also, we learned about important vocabulary about the internet world that is very useful. Some of the words I knew but a lot of the terminlogy I did not know so it was great to learn more.

The internet terminology will come in great handy for future classes and jobs. These are important things I should know about and learn about. Especially since so much is done on the internet now and jobs and classes depend on the internet. Therefore, it is important to become aware of it and understand it as well as possible.

This link is an article that is the importance of technology in every aspect. Technology has such an import on how everything is done in America. Most jobs in America, you are required to have completed some type of computer class to ensure that you know how to use a computer because most jobs incorporate a computer. Even in classes at school at UF a computer is required for success in the class.

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