Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 4, Copyright, Plagiarism, Ethical Issues

This week we learned about the importance and meanings of copyright, plagiarism, and ethical issues. It is important to cite sources of the article or author you are using for a paper or post to make sure you are not taking their ideas. Also if you are posting an idea to make sure it is copyrighted to people can not steal your idea. This week we learned about desiging instructional media. This is a way to have good designs and organization to make it professional.

All throghout college I am going to need to know how to cite my sources for papers and tests. This is very important so I do not get a zero on my paper or get in trouble. The powerpoint on how to create a clean and professional web design was very helpful to for future classes or speeches I have to give for my job. The four key elements are contrast, repitition, alignment, and proximity.


This link is examples and advice of how to create your own website with the right designs and moves. It helps me understand the concepts of a proper and professional web page or site better. The order of facts or information is very important. As well as the colors or look of the page. There are many different factors that go into making the perfect web design.

Week 3, Web Technology

This week in class we learned about the resource, wikipedia. This is a resource that we will be using a lot in class and recommended to use. It is a great website used for creating pages and finding information. We also learned about to embedd videos on the blogger account. It is a very easy and simple process that I thought would be a lot more complicated then it was. Also, we learned about important vocabulary about the internet world that is very useful. Some of the words I knew but a lot of the terminlogy I did not know so it was great to learn more.

The internet terminology will come in great handy for future classes and jobs. These are important things I should know about and learn about. Especially since so much is done on the internet now and jobs and classes depend on the internet. Therefore, it is important to become aware of it and understand it as well as possible.

This link is an article that is the importance of technology in every aspect. Technology has such an import on how everything is done in America. Most jobs in America, you are required to have completed some type of computer class to ensure that you know how to use a computer because most jobs incorporate a computer. Even in classes at school at UF a computer is required for success in the class.

Week 2, Educational Technology

This week we learned a lot about the mac and different icons of the mac and how to operate it. The icon apple on the top left screen is the button for shutting the computer on, off, and restarting. The dock is on the bottom consisting of many important icon features. The other main part of the mac that we learned about that was important was the shortcuts. This is simple and easy ways to getting to certain places on the mac with a simple keyboard press.

Knowing how to work the mac is very important to me and my education at University of Florida. Because, it can help my education by knowing how to be more productive on the computer and by getting more out of the computer. By knowing a lot about my computer too can help me achieve more than other students as well because I am more knowledgeable with the computer and what it has to offer.

This link above is a blog of a college student expressing is interest in getting a computer for college and how important it is to have one! It is basically a nessicity to have one. But, not just having a computer is necessary but even better if you have a mac computer over  a PC. He listed all the features of a Mac and a lot of the features are ones we learned in class and how they can help you in class and how beneficial it is. 

Week 1 Introduction

This week we set up a gmail account for the class and learned the importance of the gmail account. Also in class we learned about about the forum posting and how to post and about discussion you can have about the class with your former students. We learned some basic things about the website as well. Like how to log in with a gator link and general 21st skills that we should have to prepare us for our future careers.

These resources we learned in class can really help me with my future at University of Florida. For example, the forum posting and idea of how to interact and ask questions with my former class mates can help me build relationships with other people that go to UF. Also, the gmail account set up is a great way to learn about getting more connected with the internet and networking for my future years at UF or future job as a major in Sports Management.


This link is an article about the importance of social networking. I chose this article on social networking because in this class by posting forums and connecting more with the internet it is a form of social networking which is an important skill to have especially in the business and management field, which is what I hope to do for a job. It is a great way to keep in contact or get into contact with employees, contacts, and clients.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Copyright has been used in the United States for many years now. It is used to protect your original work. For other to use your thoughts or they have to cite the work or get your permission in some cases. If anyone uses the copyrighted work with out citing and violate the copyright rules in any other way, it is illegal and there are punishments. Many  people use copyrighting because they want there ideas protected and secure. I used this youtube video to help with my understanding of copyright.